The Ultimate Guide To Install a Wrought Iron Balcony Railing

April 07, 2019

They might not be big in size but decorating a balcony in the best possible way can over haul the whole outlook of your house. All you have to do is pick up the best material in railing and fix it properly on the planned outlet in your house.  
As you have already ticked off the first requirement by going for wrought iron, it all now comes down to how you install it in your balcony. However, to ease up the pressure for you and assist in cutting down the cost of hiring an iron balconies installation company in Seattle WA, we have listed down complete steps which you can follow to install the balcony railing in the perfect way.

Iron Balconies Installation Seattle WA

 Measure The Distance

Start off with placing out all the railing pieces on the floor in order to understand the pattern that you want and how much distance will be required between each railing.

Do The Right Marking

Once done with the first, you should also measure the desired amount of space in between the railings with measure tape and mark the readings on the desired drilling space.

Drill Holes

Now, in order to fit the railing, drill holes around the area, typically about 2 inches deep for safer railing and leave the site.

Clean the Holes

Going further, you’ll have to clean the hole with a broom, or a small vacuum, if possible. Make sure that there isn’t any dust inside the holes or around the area of work. 

Sample Test It

Before you fix the railing inside, it is better to see if it really fits into the drilled holes.

 Mix the Solution

After confirming the position, take out the epoxy adhesive and mix it up to create the solution which will be used in placing all the railings. You can follow the instructions given on adhesive packaging for mixing.

 Maintain The Level And Insert The Railing Inside The Holes

This is undoubtedly the most important step in the whole process, majorly because of maintaining the level. In fact, it contributes as a prime reason to why people go out searching for professional iron balconies installation services in Seattle WA. You can take help of a friend to keep the railing balanced while placing it inside the hole. 

Apply Adhesive

If you have fit the railing according to the required level, start applying the mixture of epoxy adhesive.

Clean the Excess

Thoroughly clean any amount of excess adhesive that might be left behind with the rag. 

Put It To Dry

Last but not the least, let it dry for at least a day before you start using it.

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